Ingrid Yllmark, VP Corporate Communications at Electrolux Professional spoke about the upcoming Worldchefs Congress and Expo 2018, that will take place in Kuala Lumpur on July 11 – 14.
Electrolux Professional will be a “special guest” at the Congress, being Premium Partner to the World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs congress and expo 2018).
Below is the interview with Ingrid:

Can you tell us why did Electrolux plan an intervention on an issue as food waste?
“We need to talk about Food. Globally, one-third of the food produced ends up in the bin, while millions of people are undernourished or go hungry, so this year our involvement in the Worldchefs Congress and Expo is a special one. On July 13th the Congress will devote a day to address food waste. Electrolux is participating to inspire global chefs to join us and young leaders from AIESEC. Together, we want to visit schools and inspire kids to reflect on what good food can be.
Companies like ours have a responsibility in making a positive difference for the next generations, to contribute to Agenda 2030. To me, this is very relevant.”
Do you have any direct contact with chefs engaged on the theme of food waste reduction?
“All chefs understand the importance of sustainable foods habits and fighting food waste. It is wonderful that the Dan Barbers, Enrique Olveras and Massimo Botturas of the world use their power of influence to lead the way. And we want all chefs to cook sustainably and to share their know-how. We can actually do something about the food issue. Together, we can all be a force for good.”