Bümpliz is a colorful, multicultural district of the Swiss city of Bern.
A bit of a village and a bit of a trend district: the new school complex is the center of the Bümplizer settlement in Kleefeld. The integrated day school relies on kitchen appliances from Electrolux Professional and thus on a long-lasting kitchen infrastructure for several generations of school children.
With its compact production area, the new, integrated regenerating and production kitchen was geared to increasing numbers of students from the outset. The main players in the kitchen are the two combination steamers Skyline Premium S, one with a 10 and one with a 6 slot.

School kitchen with future potential. In Bern-Bümpliz, the decision was made not to carry out a costly renovation of the school but instead to build a new one Kleefeld – with a forward-looking kitchen from Electrolux Professional
Tenders are always challenging because the advertised products and their services must be tailored to the specific needs of the facility. Electrolux Professional has accompanied the Bern-Bümpliz school kitchen project for two years and praises the efficient approach of the city of Bern and all the bodies involved, in particular the good cooperation with H Plus S catering planning from Ittigen in Bern, which was responsible for the public tender.

A total of 23 languages are spoken at the Kleefeld school. This multicultural composition of the students is of course also reflected in the eating habits that have to be taken into account in the kitchen. It started with the serving of 60 to 70 meals in the new dining room designed for this purpose, with the possibility of expanding the capacity to 90 meals per school day in the future: the demand for day school offers is increasing, slowly but steadily. The food is served in mobile buffet counters, which are specially designed for the size of children.
Since the start of school in mid-August 2022, the new buildings have now provided space for 17 classes – eight classes from the primary level and nine from the basic level. An extension to a maximum of 19 classes is possible. Two expansion stages are therefore planned for the Kleefeld day school kitchen: Not all kitchen appliances were already part of the first delivery. Because the following applies: as soon as the demand for meals increases, the range of devices can be expanded accordingly to increase production capacity. In this regard, the city of Bern had planned farsightedly and thought in generational dimensions.

“Why Electrolux Professional?”
The main players in the kitchen are the two combi-steamers Skyline Premium S from Electrolux Professional, one with a 10 slot and one with a 6 slot. The combi steamers can be operated and controlled very intuitively and are equipped with a large number of intelligent functions, such as the integrated lambda probe for precisely controlled steam generation. The devices also score with very low energy consumption thanks to improved insulation, triple glazing and an optimized cooking chamber design. The interaction between the high-precision control system and 26 different sensors with which the SkyLine ovens are monitored ensures very economical use of energy.
A high standard of hygiene generally played an important role in the kitchen equipment, for example in the choice of substructures with slide-in units, storage areas and drawers. Thanks to numerous rounded edges, everything is very easy to clean. The two extremely energy-saving ecostore cooling units from Electrolux Professional – up to 65% less power consumption compared to standard units on the market – also have rounded corners and guide rails that can be removed without tools, as well as stainless steel covers for easy cleaning of the interior.
Of course, hygiene is also a priority when it comes to warewashing technology: the hood-type dishwasher from the Electrolux Professional Green & Clean series washes up to 80 racks per hour and, with a constant rinse temperature of at least 183.2 degrees Fahrenheit, always ensures perfect washing results.
List of installed equipment:
2 combi steamers Skyline Premium S (10 x 1/1 GN and 6 x 1/1 GN)