Base compartment consists of an electric standard oven with thick oven door for heat insulation, positioned beneath the base plate.
IPx4 water protection.
Oven thermostat adjustable from 140 °C to 300 °C.
Ribbed enamelled steel oven base plate.
Electric oven to have separate thermostats for top and bottom heating elements.
Stainless steel oven chamber with 3 levels of runners to accomodate 2/1 GN shelves (2 steam pans).
The six 2.6kW cast-iron square plates are hermetically sealed to the one-piece top.
The special design of the control knob system guarantees against water infiltration.
Model has right-angled side edges to allow flush fitting joints between units, eliminating gaps and possible dirt traps.
One piece pressed 1.5 mm work top in Stainless steel.
All exterior panels in Stainless Steel with Scotch Brite finishing.