International Customer

Villa Lario

Milan, Italy

Expo 2015

Electrolux Professional with Euro-Toques International in the beautiful setting of Villa Lario during the six months of Expo 2015

Throughout the six months of Expo 2015, in the breathtaking setting of Villa Lario, the innovations of Electrolux Professional will be placed at the service of the chefs of the prestigious Euro-Toques International association.

Villa Lario is the picturesque location along the shores of Lake Como selected by Euro-Toques International – the most prestigious European association of chefs and the only association officially recognized by the EU – as a showcase of Italian haute cuisine during the six months of Expo 2015.

Indeed, Vil ine, art and charity, with the attendance of several heads of state, political authorities, members of royal families, public figures of the European Union and celebrity Chefs of international renown from all over Europe.

In such an exclusive context, Electrolux Professional could not be left out, with Euro-Toques extending the invitation to partner with it in this initiative.

Enrico Derflingher, award-winning chef and president of Euro-Toques International, says: “I am very proud of the partnership between Villa Lario Euro-Toques and Electrolux Professional, a company that represents state-of-the-art technology in the kitchen and with whom we have shared ideas for the past 25 years.
Just as a couple of examples I would note the ecostore refrigerators that we chose for our kitchen The refrigerators are energy class 8, allowing us an annual saving of 400 € each, while the greeen&clean dishwasher uses only 2 liters of water per rinse.
With these highly efficient appliances, it was natural for us at Euro-Toques,”
said Derflingher, “to embark on this project, an ideal path in innovation and sustainability, along with Electrolux Professional, in line with the values of Expo 2015.

This partnership with Euro-Toques International was created and developed as a natural progression: when the stars are culinary excellence and chefs of the highest level, Electrolux Professional joins the team, providing its most innovative solutions, guaranteed quality in food preparation, cooking and food preservation techniques.
The equipment installed at Villa Lario Euro-Toques kitchen are best-in-class of their range, champions in the category of energy efficiency and respect for the environment. For example, the M2M – Made to Measure thermaline central cooking unit, features a unique design, functional as well as beautiful, with a technology backed by Swiss precision.

Villa Lario 2015-09-15T10:27:10+00:00 Electrolux Professional