Bringing back the taste to Les Cattelaines!
Le Foyer de vie Les Cattelaines is located in a beautiful park in Haubourdin, not far from Lille. Carole Laviéville, young director of the establishment, took office in February 2016 and contributed to the opening of the first restaurant Cattelaines, in June 2016. Open since 1999, Le Foyer de vie and the day care services Les Cattelaines belong to the White Butterflies of Lille. The structure accommodates 51 people in the boarding school and 30 people in the day school, all of which have learning disabilities. “A satisfaction survey conducted in 2013, revealed that cold meals delivered by a service, were unsatisfactory. That is why, in the framework of improvement objectives, the association decided to create a tailor-made restaurant within the establishment. Call for tenders launched in spring 2015 was won by the company Quiétalis, which recommended the Electrolux brand for the kitchen equipment.” says Ms. Laviéville.

The kitchen and the restaurant were inaugurated on June 21, 2016. From this moment on, meals are cooked on site by Medirest. All residents of the home, educational staff and administrative bodies are brought together for lunch in a real dining room. The atmosphere is friendly and fun and the food recovered its real taste. Chief Executive Officer of Médirest, Bruno Pontus, arrived a week before the opening of the restaurant to familiarize with the equipment. “With Electrolux, everything goes very well”, he confirms, “In addition, I have new and powerful equipment; it’s a real comfort and saves time. The combination oven is very efficient”.
“It is a brand which expresses confidence and convinced us with its robustness and design. The high quality of the finished product was reassuring”, commented Ms. Laviéville. Some of the residents themselves assist Bruno Pontus in the kitchen. In agreement with Foyer de Vie, four residents help the kitchen team from 9 am to 11.30 am as part of their project. The restaurant is operational Monday to Friday as self-service with an average of 80 seats. Cold meals are served on weekends and at night. Residents are thrilled and waiting lunchtime impatiently, “They’re all there in front of the restaurant door at 11:50!” declares Carole Laviéville with a smile.