International Customer


Milan, Italy

Gastronomy maxi-store

“Never change a winning team!”

This is the motto that best expresses the partnership of Electrolux Professional and Eataly, two companies that base all of their activities on the principle of excellence.

On one side is Electrolux Professional, a global leader in the production and distribution of high-performance, low-impact professional equipment dedicated to the world of hospitality. On the other side is Eataly, the most innovative food hub, the temple of Italian wine and food industry, combining high-quality food and local products.

The cooperation started in 2007, when Eataly understood that Electrolux Professional could represent not only a one-of-a-kind supplier and interlocutor, but, above all, a technical partner capable of satisfying all its needs:

  • designing a “system” made up of independent but integrated dining areas;
  • providing areas dedicated to cooking with state-of-the-art technologies, able to transform, while always respecting, traditional Italian and Mediterranean dishes;
  • storing food, thanks to low energy consumption refrigeration devices and designing low-impact ware washing areas.

The partnership was realised through the launch of Eataly Turin, the gastronomy maxi-store, followed by openings in New York, Genoa, Rome, Bari, Florence, Milan, Dubai, Istanbul, Forlì, up to the Eataly Stand at the EXPO.

Eataly 2015-11-03T09:01:23+00:00 Electrolux Professional