International Customer

Atelier Vieusart

Wavre, Belgium

Culinary Academy

Atelier Vieusart living the dream

A switch, that’s what lies at the basis of the beautiful Atelier Vieusart. After more than 20 years of running their own successful catering business in Brussels, that was getting bigger and bulkier, in 2009, Anne and Jean-Luc Pigneur decided to swap the busy city for the pastoral landscape in Wavre. Their experience in the catering world left them with a name to remember, from the catering industry to their own cooking studio, they were not afraid of challenges.

But the quest for uniqueness came increasingly to the forefront. So they chose their next adventure, a very conscious decision to orient themselves to the “return to nature”, to Atelier Vieusart. A laboratory / kitchen with a clear mission: receiving, controlling, sharing, meeting and cooking, back to local producers and their products were the objective.

Within the Atelier house is the renowned Academy Vieusart. The academy can apprentice chefs following a supplementary complementary year. Besides a number of practical trainings, the students may also internship at one of the many renowned chefs’ restaurants that are linked to the Academy. A successful formula, because year after year, the number of candidates for this training is increasing.

In addition, companies can take advantage of seminars, etc. in the adjacent meeting room while enjoying the spectacular views of the fields. And finally, workshops are also offered for professionals in the catering sector.

“I have always preferred the Electrolux thermaline range. It was the first on the market with an electric solid top plate. The innovative character, the ruggedness, durability and excellence. They are all features that perfectly match my kitchen, and the impeccable finish is the icing on the cake.”

Jean-Luc Pigneur commented as to why they chose Electrolux.

It was an obvious choice for Electrolux Professional to furnish the kitchen. Since 2015, it’s been a true central showpiece, a customized M2M thermaline cooking block, equipped with Ecotop and induction and the air-o-steam Touchline combi oven makes it complete.

Atelier Vieusart 2016-04-26T16:16:09+00:00 Electrolux Professional