As a wise man once said, by failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail. That’s certainly the case in the world of commercial kitchen equipment – after all, a chef would be nowhere without his kitchen.
When I joined the Lindos Royal & Lindos Village Hotels as Executive Chef back in 2009, I wanted to make sure my team and I could have a kitchen as spectacular as the colonial style architecture of our surroundings. But to do so, I knew I’d have to spend a lot of time researching some of the latest technologies, and some forward-thinking suppliers.
A kitchen with wow factor
I first came in contact with Electrolux Professional on a trip to İzmir (formerly Smyrna), in Turkey, when I visited the luxurious, five-star Swissotel. I really was wowed by the kitchen, so couldn’t resist taking photos of the equipment and telling the management at Lindos of the energy savings we would be able to make if we switched our appliances when I returned.
By working together very closely, the hotels’ owner and I were able to take an in-depth look at the products’ quality. Needless to say, we were suitably impressed. In no time, Mr. Minettos, the owner of Lindos hotels, had decided to purchase a thermaline cooking range, and we really haven’t looked back since.
thermaline: the beating heart of a Lindos kitchen
We were quick to recommend it to our colleagues in the business, and it wasn’t long before thermaline became an essential part of a Lindos kitchen; giving us the benefit of consistency across multiple hotels. The staff at Rodos Palace are fortunate enough to have a thermaline braising pan in their kitchen, and the same goes for our colleagues at Lindos Imperial hotel, which is also part of our Group.
As chefs, we all lead really busy lives where time is at a premium, but when it comes to our kitchens, that time is well worth investing. I’m one chef who can genuinely say that my research really paid off!
Stavros Manousakis, Chef at Lindos Royal Hotel