Janjetina „Tandir“ sous vide

Chef Ahmed Ozer

Chef Ahmed Ozer

Ingredients and quantities

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 1 Lamb Leg boneless
  • 2 Garlics
  • Fresh Thyme
  • Salt
  • Olive oil


Put garlics and tyme inside of the meat. Season the meat with salt and olive oil and wait minimum 2 hours in refrigerator.
Preheat the oven aos Touchline and set 210° C. When oven is ready load the tray and cook 15 minutes. After cooking process load into Blast Chiller.
When the meat cools down place it in the vacuum bag.
Heat the oven in steam mode to set 95° C. When the oven is ready load the meat and cook 12 hrs.
As long as cooking process is completed put the meat juice in a pan which is in the vacuum bag.
Boil untill the meat juice becomes half way.
Serve the the lamb with meat juice.

Notes: ” Tandır” is a traditional Turkish dish.

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Janjetina „Tandir“ sous vide 2016-11-06T09:14:11+00:00 Electrolux Professional