Electroluxovi stručni seminari

Sastanci, obuka, inspiriranje i dijeljenje iskustava u Electroluxovim profesionalnim centrima izvrsnosti

Pod vodstvom Electroluxove kulinarske akademije poznati kuhari iz različitih dijelova svijeta i najistaknutiji stručnjaci u industriji posluživanja hrane, Electroluxovi stručni seminari zasnovani su na najmodernijoj edukativnoj metodologiji najboljih međunarodnih kulinarskih instituta.

Electrolux Professionalovi stručni seminari 2017-05-09T09:42:46+00:00 Electrolux Professional

23 may 2017 – Flour no-flour in the kitchen

Flour no-flour in the kitchenTuesday 23 may 2017 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (Pordenone, Italy) Enriching foods has become a need, as well as a widespread trend. The alternative flours can renew your menu, ancient ingredients to offer to your custom...


04 april 2017 – Raw or marinated fish Italian style

Raw or marinated fish Italian styleTuesday 04 april 2017 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (Pordenone, Italy) An alternative to Japanese sushi and sashimi to meet the growing demands of customers. Learn how to add it safely to your menu thanks to the corr...


21 march 2017 – Pizzas and focaccia gourmet

Pizzas and focaccia gourmetTuesday 21 march 2017 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (Pordenone, Italy) A trend of recent years that disrupts and improves the concept of traditional pizza and focaccia, thanks to the choice of 100% high quality italian ingre...


21 february 2017 – The secrets of “one ingredient” menu

Tuesday 21 february 2017 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (Pordenone, Italy) Focus on an ingredient for a menu with low environmental impact that combines seasonality and creativity. A new experience, high productivity and low food cost.Designed for:...