Look beneath the surface and discover savings with
Line 6000

When considering the cost of an investment, the up-front expense is just the tip of the iceberg. Operating costs accumulate, year after year, and make up the largest share of your expense. Over the long term, Line 6000 washers and dryers will cost you much less and make your investment more profitable.

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Not a drop of water wasted

Automatic savings weighs the load and adjusts the water intake. This saves water, energy and money on anything less than a small load.

Avoid Overloading and Underloading

With Integrated Savings measuring and showing the load in real time, you can avoid overloading and underloading, for optimized productivity. This way you maximize profits, obtain optimal results, save water and energy at less than full loads, and extend the lifetime of your washer.

Precise detergent dosing

With the Intelligent Dosing feature, the precise amount of detergent will be added automatically according to the weight of the load.

Extraction sequence perfectly balanced

Power Balance translates to real-time unbalance monitoring and G factor adjustment throughout the extraction sequence, for maximum dewatering and lowest moisture retention to save you time and money in the drying process.

Washer Linea 6000
Electrolux Professional_line 6000-brochure.indd

If you would like to find out more on how Line 6000 can help save you money contact us!

Save with Line 6000 2020-02-25T15:07:20+00:00 Electrolux Professional