lagoon® Advanced Care

Invest in Speedy Cleaning Performance for higher return of investment

The fatest gentle washing for delicate fabrics in-house

Unique continuous workflow for a more efficient service

lagoon  advanced care workflow

 A Game Changer for your Business


  • Easy to operate
  • Complete washing in 55 mins to improve productivity


  • Eco-friendly water-based cleaning
  • Solvent-free and delicate on fabrics


  • Reduce outsourcing by washing delicate fabrics in-house
  • Rapid return on investment with speedy cleaning performance

Delicate on delicates

delicate textiles

Thanks to the combination of technology and gentle care, lagoon finally allows you to safely clean your most delicate clothes.

Silk, wools, cashmere, viscose, embroidery, sequins… coats, wedding dresses, baju kurung, tuxedos, cocktail dresses and more!

Tailor made solutions based on your needs

essential set for lagoon advanced care

Essential set

Enter the wet cleaning business with a professional solution that perfectly complements any existing dry-cleaning operation. Best-in-class performance with a small footprint: that’s lagoon® Advanced Care.

Processing capacity
70 small items /day, 6-8 small items/cycles

W555H + T5130 + ED pumps + ironing table
+ 1 set  detergents package.

Only 1.5 square metres required for lagoon® Advanced Care

“Those who look to the future will choose lagoon® Advanced Care”

Thanks to lagoon® Advanced Care we can really do anything, now, with water.  Garments come out of the process extremely clean and restoring them to shape has become an easy task. We have no need to use solvents anymore.
With lagoon® Advanced Care, we now only do wet cleaning. It is safer for us to work with water and it is safe for the environment.

James Leat ‘ideal CLEANERS’ owner

James Leat lagoon official testimonial

Any questions?  Call us, e-mail us or fill the form here below.

phone   +603 5569 1313


lagoon® Advanced Care campaign 2017-04-23T21:29:20+00:00 Electrolux Professional