To obtain milk based beverages, the side milk refrigerator is needed.
Delivery Capacity:Espresso 40ml: 440 cups/hLungo 100ml: 300 cups/hHot Water: 56 L/hCappuccino 100ml: 240 cups/hLatte 100ml: 180 cups/h
Auto cleaning program.
The super automatic coffee machine Tango® ST Duo has two separate 7" screens to control the patented TANGO® double group head with its international recognized reliability.
With a minimum 60cm width for a 2 groups super automatic coffee machine, the Tango® ST Duo is the ideal unit for businesses aiming to automatically transform coffee and fresh milk into a variety of espresso coffee beverages.
2 coffee grinders (2 x 1,7 kg coffee hoppers).
1 x Cappuccinatore device with double feature L: for hot milk and C: for foam by air injection.
2 groups full-automatic machine
2 x 6.5 liter steam/coffee boiler.
Programmable water and steam.
The machine is able to create and compose a choice of 96 drinks menu and delivers 4 drinks simultaneously: the Tango® ST Duo is the unique machine of the automatic machines market offering such level of performance with the warranty of an exceptional extraction quality.
LED lights on body.
PID (proportional–integral–derivative) Temperature control: a precise controller algorithm system that gives consistency and accuracy to brewing temperature management system.
LCD Touchscreen.