high speed cooking solution
Fast has never tasted so good.
SpeeDelight gives you the freedom to combine speed, quality and creativity: be a sprinter when you cook and an ace when it comes to business.

Peerless cooking performance
Chef-worthy snacks thanks to the combination of 3 cooking technologies: contact plates, infrared radiation and microwaves.
For your food:
crispy on the outside and perfectly cooked inside.

Worry-free finish
Press the button and your job is done: the lid will rise automatically when your snack is ready.
For your food:
it won’t burn, and you’re safe to do something else!

An intelligent press
The upper plate settles automatically on your food with just the right pressure.
For your food:
say goodbye to sandwiches that are overly flattened or not crispy enough.
Electrolux Professional’s SpeeDelight Awards
In the year of its launch, SpeeDelight has become a multi award-winning product.

Creative cooking has never been easier

Plug-in and free your mind!
What makes the difference for a small business is a flexible solution that keeps you mobile.
Place it wherever you prefer: with the new SpeeDelight PEP you will need just a mono phase plug-in to start producing high quality food without any limitations due to the electric system (overall absorbed power of 3kW).
Accessories and Consumables
for premium maintenance
The cherry on top
Peace-of-mind solutions with our Customer Care package
This kit will keep your SpeeDelight high speed cooking device in peak form so it can do what it does best: brush, spatula, scraper, removable teflon plate, baking paper, silicon protector, cleaning solutions, rapid grease.
SpeeDelight Video recipes
Egg on Cheese, Flat and Veg, Focaccia Gourmet and other 20 recipes for your SpeeDelight cooking solution.